Audience Feedback


What are audiences around the country saying about Len Cabral?

“There is never a dull moment when Len Cabral is performing.”
-Amy, 6th grade

“I watched students who have never been involved before, choosing to tell a story or share an idea. It was so much fun to watch.”  Kim, 5th Grade Teacher

“Len Cabral inspired students to write and create more, and I thank him for that.”
Paulette, 3rd Grade Teacher

“Len Cabral is very smart and I like his stories. They tell about animals and myths. My grandmother tells me stories and sometimes she wants me to tell stories. Len Cabral helped me tell stories to my grandmother.”
-Cora, 4th grade
” Len Cabral inspires me to get new ideas for writing. He also gets me thinking and imagining what the characters could do next.”
-Thomas, 4th grade

“Your stories brought us home with you. Your stories brought us on trips. I felt like I was there with you on your very own adventures.”  – Laura, 6th grade

“When all else is forgotten I think that storytelling and Len Cabral in particular, will be remembered as something ‘learned in sixth grade.'”
Phyllis, 6th Grade Teacher11665613_983421035023584_7446887672430711009_n

“Thank you for coming to our school. That was the third time I saw you perform and your stories keep getting better and better.” – Jon, 7th grade

“I learned that anything can become a story. A scar, something that has happened in your past, just about anything.”
-Tony, 6th grade

“You let us tell stories about our own lives and you listened to us like we were the teacher.”
-Shalyn, 7th grade

“You made us all storytellers. It wasn’t even scary telling a story in front of my class.”
-Priya, 6th grade

“My children came home from the Weber State University Storytelling Festival full of excitement. They’ve been retelling the stories, drawing pictures, and acting them out. My 2 year old has been doing the Mr. Piggle and Mr. Wiggle poem. Your stories are full of heart and joy.” – Maria, Parent

“There is so much life in your voice, your face and your hands when you speak. I can see the characters of your stories played out on you.”
-Marisa, 8th grade

“You have taught many kids everywhere the lessons of politeness, caring, responsibility and many others. You inspired many kids to grew up and write stories like yours.”
Maria, 5th grade

“Thanks so much for the visit to our Detention Facility.  You are an amazingly talented story teller!  Lots of the kids were talking about the stories the next day.  They wrote their own stories under much duress!  Once they got the hang of it, words started to flow.  Students need more practice, but loved seeing the real deal – YOU!” – Jody, Teacher

“Len could come up with ways of making us picture everything vividly in our minds and as the scenery or setting changed, your mind would sort of click like a camera, and focus on the next picture.”
Pushpa, 9th grade

‘”I’ve been our cultural council representative for the last four years and I’ve booked many different people, from the Museum of Science to other groups, and I’ve been waiting to have the chance to have you back. With your charisma and the power of your performance, you are able to captivate our students more than any other act, who often bring more bells and whistles.” – Kara, Parent

“Your words have inspired us to be better people and we can’t thank you enough for sharing them with us. The Comprehensive Arts Program has brought many talents to us over the years, but you are truly the most powerful voice we’ve heard.”
5th and 2nd Grade Classroom Teachers

“Your storytelling performances were thoroughly enjoyed by students and staff alike. It was so much fun to see how you captivated the audience and how intriguing and imaginative your storytelling was. You were able to teach the children the importance of listening and how listening relates to storytelling.”
-Karolin and Laura, Cultural Arts Co-Chairs

“You are the best storyteller I have ever heard. (Don’t tell my dad this, but you’re even better than him!)
-6th grader

“Your performance Thursday lived up to everything I had been told of your storytelling ability. You know you had all of us in the palm of your hand. The kids loved your stories, and the adults did also- especially the underlying messages you were so skillfully weaving in. You were the grand finale of our year!”
-Joan, Middle School Teacher

“I can’t remember a better assembly.”
-Hope, 5th grade Teacher